
Custom Software Development

Custom Software Development

We are in a unique position to help your organization realize the true potential of SharePoint, having worked effectively with a myriad of companies in various industries. We have a strong team with a deep understanding of the Microsoft .NET platform, stemming from extensive hands-on knowledge working on high-volume 24X7 applications. This gives us the ability to deliver rich solutions to you, whether via web or straight to your desktop.

We offer:

Software Architecture Consulting
  • Our architects have led development teams of all sizes and have demonstrated experience utilizing leading industry best practices, including Test-Driven Development and a proven experience with Agile Development methodology.
    Together, we have over 30 years of experience, and have led projects that include a large public e-Commerce site and a number of web-based commercial applications. We pride ourselves on providing the right solution to fit your exact needs, on-time and on-budget.
On-site Managed Services

Our on-site Managed Services program presents your organization with the opportunity to leverage a fulltime, onsite subject matter expert to maintain and extend your SharePoint implementation. It allows your organization to reap the fastest and greatest results and ROI from your customized solution — through a combination of financial, strategic, and tactical benefits. These benefits enable you to:

  • Avoid the delay and expense of recruiting and training.
  • Experience the benefits of having an on-site, dedicated resource that as ‘part of the team’ can provide insights and advantages that far exceed the support of an offsite resource.
  • Redirect resources from activities that are not core to your business, enhancing competitive strength.
  • Make more efficient use of capital, technology, and resources
  • Improve management to freely focus on developing IT strategies and initiatives to meet your business objectives.